Hearsay Rule and Its Exceptions

“Hearsay” is a term that refers to testimony or written materials that quote persons who are not physically present in court. Establishing credibility and conducting a cross-examination are both rendered impossible when the individual being cited is not present. Hearsay testimony is thus not admissible. Exceptions to the hearsay rule There are always exceptions to

Americans with Disabilities Act: What employers should know

You must fully comprehend the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 if your company employs 15 or more people. What is it? The Americans with Disabilities Act forbids discrimination against eligible people with disabilities by private businesses, state and local government, labor unions, and other employment organizations. Discrimination is forbidden in hiring and firing practices,

Police lineups: Are they reliable?

The lineup’s objective is to gather significant evidence for a criminal prosecution. The “simultaneous” lineup, the “sequential” lineup, and the “multiple-identification” lineup are three different variations of what is regarded as a crucial component in any police investigation. The simultaneous lineup The simultaneous lineup is the most traditional and well-known kind. The suspect and at

When can the police stop and frisk you on the street?

The United States’ “stop and frisk” rule originated from the Fourth Amendment’s read as unreasonable searches and seizures. According to the guideline, police may literally stop and “pat down” anybody they believe to be committing, having just committed, or about to commit a crime. They might stop you and search you based only on their

Driving under Influence – Penalties and Punishments

Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs (DUI) or driving while intoxicated (DWI) is a serious offense, and associated punishments reflect this. The penalties for driving while intoxicated fall under the following categories, even if state-specific DUI laws vary. Jail Jail time is one of the most serious potential DUI repercussions. Whether the DUI

The basics of attorney-client privilege

The confidentiality of any information shared between an attorney and a client is one of the fundamental cornerstones of that relationship. This idea is frequently referred to as the lawyer-client privilege. The concept of privilege, which has its roots in early English common law, is straightforward: a client has the right to withhold or request

When can the police search the trunk of a car?

You are driving home after a night out. In a moment, you find yourself responding to the orders of a police officer. You show him your registration, allow him to glance around with his flashlight, even step out. Then he asks that you pop the trunk. You may be wondering if the police officer has

Can someone take your picture without your permission?

Camera phones have served as fun and convenience devices. These picture-taking tools enable unplanned photo opportunities rather than carrying a heavy digital camera in your bag or back pocket. You can only imagine the market for these handy small cameras given that practically everyone has found themselves in a scenario where they wished they had

How to write a business plan

It might be overwhelming to write a business plan, especially if you don’t know where to begin. It doesn’t have to be lengthy if it’s only for internal use is helpful. And when you know where to go for some of the information you need, writing also becomes much simpler. Here are some tips to

How to talk to your family about estate planning?

Do you feel uncomfortable broaching the subject of estate planning with your parents or grandparents? It’s not just you. Many families find it challenging to have conversations regarding estate planning. Here are some tips to bring up the topic. It’s never simple to discuss plans with surviving family members. The earlier you start talking to

Trademarks or copyrights: Which one is right for you?

While trademarks and copyrights are both crucial instruments for safeguarding your intellectual property, determining which one you actually need can be challenging. Understanding intellectual property may be challenging, but doing it correctly can mean the difference between fighting tooth and nail in court to defend your legal rights and peacefully enjoying the results of your

Kinds of Patents

To protect various types of innovations, Congress issues several types of patents to inventors. Any creator may make greater use of the U.S. Patent Office to protect his or her invention by learning how to use each type of patent application. What different kinds of patents are there? In order to protect various sorts of

Choose a guardian to look out for your children

A little work today will prevent a great deal of painful issues in the future. No matter what, make sure your children have the finest childhood possible. Choose a guardian to look out for your children for their better future. Parents should choose guardians for their children for a very good reason. If parents don’t,

Why do I need to conduct a trademark search?

You can decide if there is place for the mark you wish to protect by understanding what other trademarks are already in use. Early discovery is preferable because you may choose a mark that will be simpler to defend. There will be a ton of copycat blogs once the world learns about yours. How can

What is ‘inc.’ in a company name?

The word “incorporated,” shows that a business entity is a corporation. “Inc.” is an abbreviation for “incorporated,” and both the abbreviation and the full term indicate a company’s formal corporate business structure. A corporation, sometimes known as an “inc.”, is a totally distinct legal person from its owners and stockholders. Since an incorporated corporation essentially becomes a

What you need to know when you get an inheritance

Getting an inheritance is frequently challenging. Even if an infusion of money or other assets could be appreciated, it might occur when you are still mourning the death of a loved one. You can also be unsure of the repercussions or the appropriate course of action based on the sorts of assets and other variables.

The facts about age discrimination

Even though it is forbidden, age discrimination nevertheless occurs in the workplace. Both older and younger workers should be aware of age discrimination, what it looks like, and what you can do to stop it. What is age discrimination? Workplace age discrimination occurs when an employee is given a different treatment according to their age.

When Should I Hire a Business Lawyer?

Most of us aren’t delighted with the prospect of meeting with a lawyer. We tend to link that with legal issues, which no one likes to deal with. However, there are situations when a business lawyer is exactly what you need. A qualified business lawyer can help you set up your firm, manage your intellectual

Is your child a U.S. citizen if born abroad?

The Child Citizenship Act, 2001 sought to streamline the procedure for giving citizenship to children of American citizens who were born abroad. Between 4 million and 10 million Americans are thought to reside overseas. Some of these Americans also have children living in their present country of residence. Typically, an American citizen is granted to

Five common mistakes made in Will

You are aware of the value of having a last will and testament, which safeguards your family and fulfills your ultimate wishes. Now that you’re settling down to draft your will, keep an eye out for these frequent yet preventable errors. We all know that having a final will and testament allows you to ensure

The guidelines for drafting a demand letter

Your first step in resolving a small claims dispute is to send a demand letter.  You’ve made the decision that it’s time to make a minor claim. You’ve heard it’s rather painless and simple. But you realize you don’t know where to begin. How exactly do you begin your claim? You start by drafting a