Laws related To Employment of Health professionals, EMS and healthcare Workers
Are you working in the healthcare sector in Canada? Are you aware of the employment laws of the country that dictates different factors of your employment? If not, it is high time you get acquainted with the dictums of the employment-related laws of the country.
Having a clear understanding of the law will help you to decide whether your employer is treating you unjustly. In the following section of this article, we have depicted the special employment rules regarding the EMS, healthcare workers, and health professionals.
Drivers and helpers or First Aid Attendant of Ambulance
The special employment rules indicate that these workers are not entitled to any overtime pay.
The audiologists are not entitled to have any family responsibility leave, sick leave, or bereavement leave. If an audiologist takes any such leave, he or she would be abandoning their duties and committing professional misconduct.
Chiropodists and Chiropody Students
The chiropodists and the students of this stream are not entitled to have any sick leaves. De Bousquet PC Toronto also pointed out that these healthcare workers are not entitled to get minimum wages or overtime pay.
They do not have any public holiday or pay related to that. They do not have any paid vacation or a designated rest period. Ore over, these healthcare workers do not have any eating periods off between the shifts. There are no limits on weekly or daily hours of work. These healthcare workers are not even entitled to have weekly or bi-weekly rest periods.
Chiropractors and Chiropractic Students
The employment law of the country denotes that these healthcare workers are not entitled to have minimum wages, daily rest periods, weekly and daily work hours, and eating periods. Along with that, these workers are not eligible to have a public holiday or public holiday pay. They would not get any overtime pay, sick leave, or time off between the shifts. They do not get bereavement leave or family responsibility leave. They are not also entitled to have paid vacations.
Dental Hygienist and Dental technologists
The professionals working in these posts are not entitled to bereavement leaves, sick leaves or family responsibility leaves.
Dentistry students and Dentists
These healthcare professionals do not get any minimum wage or have any fixed work hours. They do not have any time off between different shits and do not get any daily rest period, or eating period. They do not even have the bi-weekly or weekly rest periods as well. They do not get any overtime and are not entitled to take any sick leave, bereavement leave or family emergency leave. They do not have any public holiday and are not entitled to enjoy a vacation with pay.
Dieticians and Denturists
The people working in these fields do not get any sick leave, family responsibility leave, or bereavement leave.
Fire Fighters
Being emergency workers, the firefighters do not get any daily or weekly leaves, daily rest periods, time off between the shifts, or any overtime pay. They do not have any public holiday and they do not get paid extra for working on a public holiday. Also, these professionals do not have any weekly or bi-weekly rest periods.
Hospital Employees
These employment laws will be applicable only to the professionals who work in health care facilities, long-term care homes, or a hospital. These professionals have to work on the public holiday if that falls on a working day, provided he or she is not on a vacation.
If you are working on a public holiday, your employer may pay you according to the regular hourly rate and offer you a substitute day off. Otherwise, your employer would have to pay you public holiday pay along with premium pay for the time you work on the facility on the public holidays.
Massage Therapists and Students
They are not entitled to minimum wage, regular rest periods, time off between the shifts or weekly-bi weekly rest periods. They are not entitled to have any sick leave as well. These professionals do not get any overtime pay or public holiday pay either. They do not get any public holiday, bereavement leave or family responsibility leave either.
Medical Laboratory Technologists
While these professionals do not get any family emergency leave, sick leave, or bereavement leave, they do get a public holiday leave if they work in a hospital. The law indicates that in such cases, the employer has to either pay at a regular hourly rate along with a holiday or have to offer public holiday pay plus the premium pay for the working hours.
In the above section, we have discussed some of the exceptions and exemptions of employment law that apply to healthcare workers, health professionals, and EMS. If your work scope in the health section does not fall in the above-mentioned positions, then you should dig some more.