ECI Invited Applications For Assistant Director (law)
Assistant Director – Election Commission of India
Important Dates:
On or before 28.11.2018
Level 10 [Rs. 56,100-177,500] of the Pay Matrix on deputation basis.
(i) Holding analogous posts on regular basis; or
(ii) Having 4 (four) years of regular service in Level 8 [Rs. 47,600-151,100] of the Pay Matrix [PB-2, 9300-34800 with G. P. Rs. 4800/- (pre-revised scale)]; or
(iii) Having 8 (Eight) years of regular service in Level 7 [Rs. 44,900-142,400] of the Pay Matrix [PB-2, 9300-34800 with G. P. Rs. 4600/- (pre-revised scale)];
Possessing degree in Law from a recognized University or equivalent.
1. Having at least 03 (Three)years experience in working Legal/Judicial Cell of any government department.
2. The applications in the enclosed proforma (Annexure-I) along with following documents may be forwarded to the Principal Secretary (Admn.), Election Commission of India, Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi-110001 on or before 28.11.2018, strictly through proper channel. Applications received after the last date, not received through proper channel or otherwise found incomplete will not be considered.
(i) Attested copies of the APAR/ACR of the officer concerned for the last 03 (three) years
(ii) Vigilance clearance and Integrity Certificate.
(iii) Statement of Penalties imposed, if any, during the last ten years.
3. The pay and terms of deputation of the Officer selected through bi-lateral deputation will be regulated under the provisions contained in the Deptt. Of Personnel and Training O.M. No.6/8/2009-Estt. (Pay-II) dated 17.06.2010 as amended from time to time or as per the DoPT guidelines applicable for the particular services applicable at the time.
4. The officers applying for the post will not be allowed to withdraw their candidature subsequently.
5. The Commission reserves the right to withdraw the circular/cancel the appointment process at any time without assigning any reason.
Bio-Data Proforma Annexure-I
1. Name and Address (in Block letters)
2. Date of Birth (in Christian era)
3. Date of Retirement
4. Educational Qualifications
5. Service and cadre to which belong
6. Whether belongs to SC/ST
7. Details of Employment (in chronological order). Enclose a
separate sheet, duly authenticated by your signature if the
space below is insufficient.
Office/Institution/Orgn. Post held From To Scale of pay & Basic Pay Nature of Duties
8. Nature of present employment i.e. ad-hoc or (Temporary)
quasi-permanent or permanent
9. In case the present employment is held on deputation/contract
basis, please state:
(a) The date of initial appointment
(b) Period of appointment on deputation/contract
10. Additional details about present employment. Please state
whether working under:
(a) Central Government
(b) State Government
(c) Autonomous Organization
(d) Government Undertaking
11. Are you in revised scale of pay? If yes, give the date from which
the revision took place and also indicate the pre-revised scale.
12. Existing total emoluments drawn per month
13. Additional information, if any, which you would like to mention
in support of your suitability for the post. Enclose a separate
sheet, if the space is insufficient.
14. Remarks
Signature of the candidate
Forwarding Note by the Employer:
It is certified that:
(i) Information given in the above proforma is correct as per the service record of the applicant and the applicant fulfils the eligibility criteria mentioned in the Circular.
(ii) The applicant is clear from vigilance angle and no disciplinary proceedings are pending or being contemplated against the officer.
(iii) The integrity of the applicant is beyond doubt.
(iv) That no major/minor penalty has been imposed on the applicant in last 10 years.
(v) The cadre controlling authority of the applicant has given its clearance for his applying for the above post.
(vi) The ACR Dossier of the applicant is enclosed with the application.
(Signature with seal of the authorized signatory
On behalf of the employer)