How to apply for Certificate of good conduct in Germany?


The certificate of good conduct (‘Führungszeugnis’) is a document printed on special green paper with a federal eagle, which is issued by the Federal Central Register in Bonn on application for every person over the age of 14.

A European certificate of good conduct is issued for nationals of other EU countries living in Germany.

Apart from the complete personal data, the certificate of good conduct mainly states whether the person concerned has a criminal record or not.

Types of certificate of good conduct

  • “Privatführungszeugnis” for personal use (document type N) – is sent to the applicant
  • “Behördenführungszeugnis” for presentation to a German authority (document type O, OG or P) – is sent directly to the authority
  • “Erweitertes Führungszeugnis” is an extended certificate for persons who are or will be professionally, voluntarily or otherwise close to children or young people (document type NE or OE)
  • “European Certificate of Good Conduct” for nationals of other Member States of the European Union (EU) living in Germany. In addition to the content of the Federal Central Register, it also provides information on the content of the criminal register of their state of origin.
  • Certificate of good conduct with apostille or authentication

Competent authority

  • Residents’ service in the city hall
  • Central contact person (Zwickau)

Required documents for personal appearance 

  • National identity card or passport
  • In the case of a “Behördenführungszeugnis”, indication of the intended purpose, the exact name and address of the authority, and, if applicable, the file number
  • In the case of an “erweitertes Führungszeugnis”, a written request from the body requesting the extended certificate from the applicant
  • If exemption from fees is possible: appropriate evidence (lack of means, special purpose, certificate of voluntary work)

Documents required for written applications

Besides the personal application, the certificate of good conduct can also be applied for in writing.

The informal letter of application must contain the following information:

  • Personal details (date of birth, maiden name, any different surname, first name(s), place of birth, nationality, address)
  • Type of certificate of good conduct
  • In the case of a behördliches Führungszeugnis – exact name and address of the authority and intended use
  • In the case of an erweitertes Führungszeugnis, a confirmation from the body requesting the certificate of good conduct must be attached
  • If exemption from fees is possible: appropriate evidence (lack of means, special purpose, certificate of voluntary work)

Inspection of the certificate of good conduct (only for a behördliches Führungszeugnis) 

You can request that the certificate of good conduct is first sent to the relevant local court (document type P). If your certificate of good conduct contains entries, the local court will notify you in writing of the receipt of the behördliches Führungszeugnis and inform you when and where you can inspect the entries. You can then decide whether the certificate should be forwarded or destroyed. Please note that the inspection will considerably delay the procedure.

Time limit/duration 

It usually takes two to three weeks to issue a certificate of good conduct.

The production of a European Certificate of Good Conduct may take longer under certain circumstances, but it should be issued no later than 20 working days after the Federal Office of Justice requests information from the EU Member State concerned.