Category: Law

Sample Moot Court Memorial

Sample Moot Court Memorial Disclaimer: The copyright to the moot memorial resides with the student(Mr Nitin Sharma of Amity Law School, Noida. LawOrdo has prior permission from the copyright owner and we take the credit of making this database. Surana & Surana National Trial Advocacy Moot Court Competition, 2018 (North Round) Duration of Moot Court Competition 5th

Exemption on Agricultural Income

Exemption on Agricultural Income INTRODUCTION Agricultural income in India is categorised as a valid source of income and basically includes income from sources that comprise agricultural land, buildings on or related to an agricultural land and commercial produce from an agricultural land. This income is considered for rate purposes while calculating the income tax liability of an

How to write a legal essay

How to write a legal essay – Advice from Rahul Goswami, a law lecturer at Manchester law centre. Like any skill, essay writing requires practice. 1. How do law essays differ from other subjects? All papers are tied in with imparting a message to a specific kind of gathering of people, so we are searching for

Principles Of Natural Justice

Introduction to Principles Of Natural Justice “Natural Justice” is an expression of English common law which signifies certain fundamental rules of judicial procedure. The Principles Of Natural Justice is those fundamental rules, the breach of which will prevent justice from being seen to be done. These rules don’t require that the proceedings of an administrative court must be conducted

Bare Acts

Download free Bare Act PDF An online collection of Bare Acts passed by the Indian Parliament. (To Law Students – Mind it these bare acts are your holy books). 1. The Constitution of India- LawOrdo 2. The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 -LawOrdo 3. The Indian Evidence Act, 1872- LawOrdo 4. The Indian penal code,1860- LawOrdo    

Law School Interview Guide

Law School Interview Guide For understudies welcomed to go to a graduate school talk with, it tends to be an overwhelming prospect. Particularly as learning of the subject is for the most part not a prerequisite for students. So what should hopefuls anticipate? Sneha Rathi, the confirmations organizer at August University’s personnel of law, has

Judicial Review

Introduction Judicial authority is the authority of the courts to declare laws or actions of government officials unconstitutional. To safeguard the liberty and rights of individuals, the judicial review is recognized as necessary and a basic requirement for construction up of a novel civilization. The powers of judicial review are vested significantly by means of

Fixation Of Minimum Wage Project

Introduction The Minimum Wages Act, 1948 is an Act of Parliament concerning Indian labour law that sets the minimum wages that must be paid to the skilled and unskilled labours. The Indian Constitution has defined a ‘living wage’ that is the level of income for a worker which will ensure a basic standards of living

Constitution law Notes

Constitution law Notes Question 1 :- Explain Preamble as a part of constitution? Answer– The preamble sets out the purpose and object for which a statute is enacted. The Preamble of the constitution says- We the people of India having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a sovereign, socialist, secular democratic Republic and to secure


15 rights every Indian should know. Laws That Indians must know||Laws that Indians don’t know||Basic Indian Laws. We have tried to cover most important branches of law. INDIAN LAWS and RIGHTS you Must Know.   1. If your cylinder explodes you are entitled for Rs. 40 lakh cover! A significant number of us are unconscious


CAREER IN LAW, CLAT, Best LAW COLLEGES, Future in LAW Explained Law or legal profession is one of the most coveted vocations in India today given the power and respect attached and also the security of career it gives right after 10+2, just like medicine and engineering. The image of a lawyer has undergone one

Criminal Procedure Code – CrPC Notes

Criminal Procedure Code – CrPC Notes QUESTION`1:- Discuss the Rights of an arrested person? ANSWER:- Cr P C gives powers to the police for arresting a person with such power Cr P.C also provides rights to an arrested person. Rights of an arrested are as follows – 1. Right to know the grounds of arrest

Evidence Law Notes

Evidence Law Notes Question no. 1- Explain law of evidence and describe whether it is substantive or adjective law ? Answer- Sir James Stepehen define Law of Evidence as- “The law of evidence is that part of the law of procedure, which with a view to ascertain individual rights and liabilities in individual cases, it

Indian Penal Code (IPC) Notes

Indian Penal Code, 1860 Question 1- Define Crime and its essential elements? Blackstone defined crime as an act committed or omitted in violation of a public law either forbidding or commanding it. There are four elements of crime, these are:- Human being Mens Rea Actus reus Injury Human Being- The first element requires that the wrongful act

Law Of Contract Notes

Law Of Contract Notes Question No. 1: Who is competent to contract Discuss the law relating to minor’s agreement in India, with case laws. Also brief about English Law Indian law in this context ? OR            Minor’s agreements are void ab-initio. In which case the above rule was established. Discuss in brief that case and


APPLICATION OF REAL ESTATE PROJECT Section 4 of Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 deals with the application for registration of real estate projects. According to section 4, every promoter shall make an application to the Authority for registration of the real estate project in Form ‘A’ in triplicate with applicable registration fee. The


Remedies Available to Directors/Share holders and Company in Sale of Immovable Property of Company by Director SALE OF IMMOVABLE PROPERTY   Any sale of company property by a director who goes beyond his fiduciary capacity and sells company property to make personal gains at the cost of the company is an act of oppression and